By Tanmay De
| June 2, 2020
John Sink
John started Aqualon in 2000 and is surprised he isn’t bald and gray, though he is considerably wrinklier. He delights in gathering people together, drawing out their gifts and strengths, and letting them go get ‘em. His reverence for God drives his decisions both personally and professionally. Family is dear to John and his wife Heidi. His oldest son, Jared is also in the Green Industry in Colorado, where he and his lovely wife Maria daily gaze on the beautiful mountains. John’s daughter Megan cares for children at Children’s Hospital in Dayton. Winston is home-schooling and doing construction work and Owen is home-schooling and wants to be a helicopter pilot. More coffee, please.
Certifications: CID (Cert. Irrigation Designer), CIC (Cert. Irrigation Contractor), CLIA (Certified Irrigation Auditor), Certified Backflow Tester
Years at Aqualon: 23
Years in the green industry: 30
By Tanmay De
| June 2, 2020
Ashton is our Service Manager at Aqualon. He is a certified backflow technician and has been with Aqualon since he was a young teen. He has helped fill several roles through the years, from install and snow removal, to scheduling and service. In his free time, he enjoys studying philosophy and theology, as well as producing music and playing video games. His favorite thing about working at Aqualon is the people he works with. He says there isn’t anyone at the company he doesn’t get along with or enjoy working with.
Years at Aqualon: 8
Years in the green industry: 8
By jae Jarratt
| October 17, 2023
Lee is an Install Team Leader, working to keep installations running smoothly and efficiently. He’s passionate about providing the best install experience for our customers, and works hard to deliver that. His favorite aspect of working at Aqualon is the culture. He says he’s never been surrounded by such good people as he is at Aqualon. He spends his free time writing and recording music, leading worship at his church congregation, and sketching.
Years at Aqualon: 2
Years at Aqualon: 4
By jae Jarratt
| October 17, 2023
Rob is our Irrigation Install manager, overseeing the new systems and ensuring installs are completed without a hitch. He’s been with Aqualon for a short time, but has quickly moved into being a reliable and valuable part of the Operations Team. His favorite thing about Aqualon is the teamwork and camaraderie between coworkers. Off the clock, Rob enjoys weight training, hunting, and lumberjack sports. He’s a proud father of two and grandfather of nine.
Years at Aqualon: 1
Years in the green industry: 1
By Jeremy Jarratt
| May 17, 2022
Sean is our Assistant Operations Manager, helping Dan and the Operations team to keep Aqualon running smoothly. When he isn’t helping the Operations team, Sean serves as our Customer Service Specialist. If you call Aqualon, Sean will most likely be picking up the phone to help you out! Sean has been with his high school sweetheart for 12 years, and recently became a father as well.
Years at Aqualon: 2
Years in the green industry: 2
By Jeremy Jarratt
| November 13, 2020
Wayne is our Backflow Manager. He has been with Aqualon for 18 years and allowed his oldest daughter to marry John the owner in 1995. Wayne also oversees the financial aspects of Aqualon and helps with irrigation services as needed. He has no favorite color, no favorite sports team, no favorite music genre, no favorite book genre, no favorite movie, and no pets… just give him fried mush, M&M’s, and water and he is happy. But don’t be fooled, he is not vanilla… just ask him about his grandchildren…
Certifications: Certified Backflow Tester
Years at Aqualon: 20
Years in the green industry: 30
By jae Jarratt
| October 17, 2023
Winter serves as both Accounts Manager and Service Technician at Aqualon. Between fulfilling his duties at Aqualon as well as managing his farm and keeping track of his ten children, Winter sure has his hands full! Winter works hard to take care of our landscape contractors and properties, and helps maintain the professional relationships of Aqualon. He enjoys hiking and spending time with his wife and children in his free time, and is active in his church community.
Years at Aqualon: 2.5